381 | Ph.d. | Heini Bergsson Debes | Forsvaret | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
382 | Ph.d. | Arnhold Simonsen | NET | Faroe Islands | Natural Science and Technology |
383 | Ph.d. | Wilhelm E. Petersen | Vinnuháskúlin | Faroe Islands | Natural Science and Technology |
384 | | Karina Poulsdóttir Debes | Københavns Universitet, Department of Biomedical Sciences | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
385 | Ph.d. | Høgni Weihe | Københavns Universitet, Kemisk Institut | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
386 | | Fróði Hammer | Syddansk Universitet | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
387 | | Torkil Eydfinnsson Veyhe | COWI/Department of Technology and Innovation, SDU | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
388 | | Sunniva Samson Sigurdardottir | Gøteborgs Universitet | Sweden | Natural Science and Technology |
389 | | Jannik Gade | Infineon Technologies | Austria | Natural Science and Technology |
390 | | Hergeir Teitsson | National Space Institute Geodesy and Earth Observation, DTU | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |