1 | Ph.d. | Tórur (Thor) Andreassen | Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet, Syddansk Universitet | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
2 | Ph.d. | Torkil Kollsker | DTU Management Engineering | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
3 | Ph.d. | Tórur Biskopstø Strøm | DTU Compute | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
4 | Ph.d. | Turið Hermannsdóttir | Aarhus Universitet | Denmark | Social Sciences |
5 | | Turið Nolsøe | Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling, Københavns Universitet | Denmark | Humanities and Social Sciences |
6 | | Trygvi Bech Árting | Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning | Denmark | Natural Sciences and Technology |
7 | Ph.d. | Tórur Dalsgaard | Gynækologisk Klinik, Rigshospitalet | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
8 | | Torkil Eydfinnsson Veyhe | COWI/Department of Technology and Innovation, SDU | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
9 | | Tummas Napoleon Arge | Institut for fysik, DTU | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
10 | Ph.d. | Tóra Djurhuus | Sendistova Føroya í London | England | Humanities and Social Sciences |