31 | Ph.d. | Tórur Dalsgaard | Gynækologisk Klinik, Rigshospitalet | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
32 | Ph.d. | Vilhjálmur Nielsen | DTU Byg | Denmark | Technology/Development |
33 | Ph.d. | Høgni Weihe | Københavns Universitet, Kemisk Institut | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
34 | | Fróði Hammer | Syddansk Universitet | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
35 | Ph.d. | Duruta Weber | | Denmark | Life Science |
36 | | Flóvin Eidesgaard | Danmarks Statistik | Denmark | Humanities and Social Sciences |
37 | Ph.d. | Hilmar Kjartansson Danielsen | DTU Vindenergi | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
38 | | Pætur Petersen | Nokia | Denmark | Development |
39 | | Regin Reinert | | Denmark | Natural Science and Technology |
40 | | Helgi Larsen | Injector Trawldoors A/S | Denmark | Development |