# Doctoral Title order Name order Place of Work order Country order Work Field order
61Ph.d.Tróndur Møller SandoySøgu- og samfelagsdeildin, FróðskaparsetriðFaroe IslandsHumanities and Social Sciences
62 Ólavur GregersenSyntesa og Ocean RainforestFaroe IslandsDevelopment
63Ph.d.Unn LaksáSyntesaEnglandHumanities and Social Sciences
64Ph.d.Katrin á NorðiSyddansk UniversitetDenmarkNatural Sciences and Technology
65 Fróði HammerSyddansk UniversitetDenmarkNatural Science and Technology
66Ph.d.Martin Jákup SterndorffSterndorff EngineeringDenmarkNatural Science and Technology
67Dr.med. & ph.d.Sjúrður F. OlsenStatens Serum InstitutDenmarkLife Sciences
68 Niclas Højgaard EysturoySkurðdeildin, LandssjúkrahúsiðFaroe IslandsLife Sciences
69Ph.d.Gro Gade HaanesSjúkrarøktafrøðideildin, Fróðskaparsetur FøroyaFaroe IslandsLife Sciences
70Ph.d.Helma Maria TróndheimSEVFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
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