# Doctoral Title order Name order Place of Work order Country order Work Field order
251 Una MatrasHavstovanFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
252 Uni ÁrtingFróðskaparsetrið og JarðfeingiFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
253Ph.d.Uni Kárason PetersenJarðfeingiFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
254Ph.d.Wilhelm E. PetersenVinnuháskúlinFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
255 Yngvi Lava OlsenHavsbrúnFaroe IslandsDevelopment
256 Zakaris Svabo HansenFróðskaparsetur Føroya, FøroyamálsdeildinFaroe IslandsHumanities and Social Sciences
257Ph.d.Zvonko MrdaloFróðskaparsetur Føroya, Søgu- og SamfelagsdeildinFaroe IslandsHumanities and Social Sciences
258 L. Gilli TróndOcean RainforestFaroe IslandsDevelopment
259 Høgni Debes JoensenLandslækninFaroe IslandsLife Science
260 Hildigunn SteinhólmDeildin fyri Arbeiðs- og AlmannaheilsuFaroe IslandsLife Science
Administration     Faroese <<  <  1  ...  24  25  26  27  28  ...  45  >  >>