# Doctoral Title order Name order Place of Work order Country order Work Field order
171 Jens Pauli NolsøeTórshavnar Kommuna/Studentaskúlin í HoydølumFaroe IslandsHumanities and Social Sciences
172 Jóan Eyðfinnur OlsenJarðfeingiFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
173Dr.phil. & fil.dr.Jóan Pauli JoensenFróðskaparsetur Føroya, Søgu- og SamfelagsdeildinFaroe IslandsHumanities and Social Sciences
174Ph.d.Jóannes Dalsgaard Faroe IslandsHumanities and Social Sciences
175Ph.d.Jóannes DjurhuusFab Lab á KambsdaliFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
176Ph.d.Jóannes M. Johannesen Faroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
177Ph.d.Jógvan HansenÓhefturFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
178Dr.philos.Jógvan í Lon JacobsenFróðskaparsetur Føroya, FøroyamálsdeildinFaroe IslandsHumanities and Social Sciences
179 Jógvan MørkøreGranskingardepilin fyri SamfelagsmenningFaroe IslandsHumanities and Social Sciences
180 Jóhan Hendrik Winther Poulsen Faroe IslandsHumanities and Social Sciences
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