# Doctoral Title order Name order Place of Work order Country order Work Field order
81Ph.d.Jacobina KristiansenLandssjúkrahúsiðFaroe IslandsLife Sciences
82 David Turesson Søgu-og Samfelagsdeildin, Fróðskaparsetur FøroyaFaroe IslandsHumanities and Social Sciences
83Ph.d.Atli EllendersenTórshavnar MusikkskúliFaroe IslandsHumanities and Social Sciences
84Ph.d.Morten S. RiishuusJarðfeingiFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
85 Barbara Biskopstø HansenJarðfeingiFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
86 Turid MadsenJarðfeingiFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
87Ph.d.Malan JohansenDepilin fyri heilsu og almannnagransking, Fróðskaparsetur FøroyaFaroe IslandsLife Sciences
88Ph.d.Marnar Fríðheim KristiansenDeildin fyri heilsu og sjúkrarøktarvísindi, Fróðskaparsetur FøroyaFaroe IslandsLife Sciences
89Ph.d.Turið PoulsenNáttúruvísindadeildin, FróðskaparsetriðFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
90Ph.d.Helma Maria TróndheimSEVFaroe IslandsNatural Science and Technology
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